Our Services
Initial Consult
Dr Chiri will first see you in our Mt Lawley or Murdoch rooms and take a thorough history and perform an examination. If you require a Nerve Conduction Study it will be organised for you with one of our recommended Neurologists. You may occasionally require an ultrasound or other forms of imaging.
Non Operative Management
If your symptoms are suitable for non-operative management then you will be offered either an on-site Hand Therapy appointment, splinting or cortisone injection. The injection can be performed during the initial consultation.
Should you require a Carpal Tunnel Release, there are two techniques which Dr Chiri performs. An endoscopic technique is performed under General Anaesthetic or a mini-open technique which can be performed under Local Anaesthetic +/- Sedation.
The mini-open procedure will consist of a small cut in the palm of your hand. You will have stitches after the operation which will be removed. The wound normally requires 10-14 days to heal.
The endoscopic (key-hole) technique consists of a small cut on the front of your wrist. The wound typically requires 7-10 days to heal.